Gelebte Demokratie in der digitalisierten Realität – Ist das überhaupt möglich?
Ein Einblick in die global größten Herausforderungen und kreative Lösungsansätze für eine digitale Demokratie.
Im Austausch mit Expert*innen aus 20 verschiedenen Ländern und Kontinenten & Best of Vienna Digital Tech R&D in einem interaktiven Workshop-Format.
Die Veranstaltung findet auf Englisch statt.
ISSUES of DIGITAL DEMOCRACY: Learning from global contexts
The future of democracy will be decided largely in cyberspace, in the highly fragmented digital public sphere. A lot depends on how the foundational values of democracy and the rule of law are emphasized, respected and lived. Social Media are powerful forces in shaping societies worldwide. They are used in ways that often call into question the democratic functioning of society and the respect for constitutions, the separation of powers and independent justice systems. Many institutions of democracy are denigrated and undermined in public support and action. The democratic public sphere is segmented, splintered and siloed.